Faculty Teaching Opportunities
Harvard Medical School has put together a new web-based portal containing resources to help faculty and residents to strengthen their teaching and assessment practices. This portal can be found here:
Topics are organized by curriculum phase to aid your navigation.
​This resource uses your Harvard Key to obtain access. If you have not claimed your Harvard Key please take a moment to do so. Instructions on obtaining your Harvard Key are as follows:
To claim your HarvardKey login name, begin by choosing the user type below that best describes you.
Select the "New to Harvard" tab if you are an alumnus/alumna, and also a current Harvard student, faculty member, employee, or sponsored affiliation holder.
If your only current affiliation is alumnus/alumna, select the "Alumni" tab.
Are you a new Harvard student, faculty or staff member, or the recipient of a new Harvard sponsored affiliation? To claim your HarvardKey login name, you'll need the following:
· Your eight-digit Harvard University ID (HUID)
· Your last name
· Your date of birth
· A personal email address to use for account reminders
If you have any problems along the way, feel free to email ithelp@harvard.edu or call 617-495-7777 for assistance.